Executive Board Roles


The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and at all meetings of the membership of the Association. He/she shall appoint the chairs of all committees, and shall serve as ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. He/she shall perform all other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee.


The President-Elect shall act for the President in his/her absence. In case of death or resignation of the President, the President- Elect will succeed him/her for the unexpired term then shall serve the term for which he/she was elected. If for any reason the President-Elect cannot serve his/her term or fulfil the duties of the office, his/her successor shall be elected at the annual meeting of the association. (2-year term as president-elect and then 2-year term as the president)

Additional Roles and Responsibilities

  • Assume leadership of any special project as determined by the president. 
  • Attend school nurse orientation and school nurse liaison meetings as requested by DSNA president and State school nurse consultant. 
  • Attend leadership development activities as provided by NASN.


The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee and meetings of the membership. He/she shall maintain official files and shall assist the President with association correspondence. (2-year term)

Additional Roles and Responsibilities

  • Record minutes of executive board meetings.
  • Record minutes at Fall and Spring conference meetings.
  • Prepare attendance roster for executive board meetings.
  • Request items for consent agenda 2 weeks prior to executive board meetings, prepare agenda, distribute agenda to executive board and committee members.
  • Submit agenda to webmaster for inclusion on DSNA website.
  • Keeper of bylaws and archives of past meetings (copy and computer files).
  • Counsel to President and other board positions regarding voting matters and concerns.


The treasurer shall hold the funds of DSNA and disburse them upon authorization of the Executive Committee. He/she shall maintain a roll of members and collect annual dues. Those who have not renewed membership by January 1st annually will be notified. He/she shall keep accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements, shall report to each meeting of the Executive Committee, and shall prepare an annual financial statement for publication to members as directed by the Executive Committee. He/she shall present, for approval, an annual budget to the Executive Committee at the first Executive Meeting after elections. (2-year term)

Additional Roles and Responsibilities

  • Submit all financial information to accountant for annual tax review.
  • Maintain appropriate insurance status for DSNA organization.
  • Disburse funds to members for approved organizational expenses.
  • Maintain financial statements on excel spreadsheets.